Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Backstory

Last fall our friend Keith Larsen sent Mary and I a little message asking us if we would be interested in joining him, and his wife, on a cross Canada bike tour. Our eyes instantly lit up to the idea. Then the thoughts of responsibility and following through with the years commitment to work we recently made, quickly withered the fireworks. Very little thought was given to the invitation for the next couple months, until Keith nudged again with another invite, just after New Years. The idea was like a tall glass of water to our adventurous thirst, and our mouths forgot how to say anything other than YES. We told our work we were outta here, and as friends they were happy for us but as employers distraught over the thought of having to try and replace us (good luck). We began drooling over gear, and scenic pictures Keith would dangle in front of us. We started looking for advice, hookups, and pro deals while selling any other gear that would just be costing storage space all summer (whitewater kayak still for sale). We bought plane tickets to Bangor, Maine as our starting point, while battling criticism from our wonderfully responsibly thinking (but secretly envious) family and friends. Our orders for bikes, bags, tents, and everything else we finally have a reason to buy, is all coming in faster than we know how to pay for. This is all just the beginning of what we hope will be a great way to spend our mid life crisis. Much more blogging to come, in the meantime may I recommend shopping at Wasatch Touring- shameless plug. *B-rad


  1. Hey for the record I never criticized the idea...

  2. ah, what's your kayak (assuming you're still looking for a new home for it)?

    happy adventuring!!

    love, the coolest Babcock.
