Friday, July 22, 2011

Otta- what?!

We have been making our way west, but not as fast as planned, due to a rediculous heat wave with 100+ temps. (thats over 30 for all you canuks). We have been hitting a lot of ice cream shops and swimming holes, just to stay alive! We saw Ottawa in a blur, but still managed an adventure or two. Mostly, just enjoying the rolling farmlands of quebec and (finally!) Ontario.
i cant resist a bucket of water dumped over my head on a hot day- thank you splash parks!

We got a new frying pan! Now we can make more than one-pot meals, and here, scrambled eggs and asparagus! Voila!

yup, we hit 3000 miles! You'd think we'd be farther west, right? Us too.

The friendly farmers are always willing to offer a peice of land for camping!

Experimenting with some more advanced cooking skills- Pad Thai!

Just your average candelight dinner on the ottawa river!

a nice view of the Parliament (its like canada's white house), crossing the bridge over to Ottawa

We arrived at the Parliament building right as they were starting their noon yoga class, so we joined in. We got to see the parliament from all different angles! It was a great stretch, except for the sweating profusely in the noon sun part.

On the hottest day so far, which was like 100 + a billion with humidity, we didnt make it very far on bike, but we DID find a great afternoon swimming hole!

We realized there were blueberries right on the roadside- yes please!!!

Today we are finally showered and happy thanks to a couple we met in Deep River, Ontario, who have given us a bed, showers, pizza, and wifi. Once again, we love!


  1. Love the candlelight dinner. An swimming hole. And parliament yoga. It's all pretty sweet! And I you guys keep meeting these nice ppl to host you:) that's awesome ! Glad to see another update!

  2. yeah the updates are awesome!!!! much and heather are always like"did they post" "oh awesome lets read it together!"

  3. It was great having you as our first warmshowers guests! Also found your CBC interview at:

    Good luck with the rest of your journey!

    Mike and Dan

  4. What an adventure! You guys are awesome!!
