Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The End

Four and a half months. 6,447 miles. Nine provinces, 6 states, 6 flat tires. 14 bear sightings. One Epic Bike Ride.
Well, we made it. Thursday, September 15 we finally rolled into Salt Lake City to end our summer ride. We were met by friends and family riding collectively with us almost the whole 90 mile day. What an awesome way to finish!
Thanks to everyone who helped us along the way with shelter, food, friendship or even just a friendly wave- this has been an incredible journey and all of you were the reason. We have been inspired by the kindness and generosity we experienced all summer.
But the end of one adventure is always just the beginning of another- after spending some time with friends and family here in Utah, we will be driving our fully loaded car (i know, a welcome change ;) up to Alaska to see what the north has in store for us.
If you are in the Salt Lake area, come on over to Wasatch Touring for a short presentation we are doing about our ride! Its Wed, Sept. 28th at 7pm. 100 south 700 east. salt lake city.


  1. WHOA!!! Way to go, you guys. Mary, I don't know if you remember me or not from Angela's wedding, but I've been blog stocking you through your adventure, and I have been impressed time and time again. I live in Salt Lake, just blocks from Wasatch Touring, so I'll do my best to make it tomorrow! Woot!

  2. Hey guys! Still rockstars, although your blog does say canada2AK, so I hope you put stuff up about your trip to AK as well! Way to go dudes! See you in December?!??!

  3. Mary (and Brad): I wish I could have come to your presentation--my little 5 month old was asleep and I was the only one home to watch her (other than the dogs.) I bet it was stellar. Loved the blog and you long time.

  4. Well done you two! What an inspiration you are. I love your guts.

  5. Congrats to my little buddies. Ya'll did it! That is so awesome and I'm glad I now know things like what pudine is, that Labrador exists and that the great plains aren't all that great. You guys are going to be sorely missed around these parts.
